Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Knowing You, PKEY3101

Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant day I bid to you all of you. Alhamdulillah, again we all meet in University Malaya after a long semester break. New course has come with more challenging requirements and demands for me and all of us. In this case it was PKEY3101 (Technology in Primary Education).

Frankly, I was freaking out when the moment I had to register this course. Technology sounds so good anyway as I was no so good in it,haha I got so nervous. Someway, somehow I will try my best to catch up and do well in this course.

The class was a bit chaos at the beginning of it. However, everything went smoothly when Prof. Dr. Raja Maznah, our lecturer came in. Her smiling and friendly style when communicating with us just calmed us down. She had introduced me on PLEASE

So, I had learnt new meaning of PLEASE which is also defined:


From my point of view, I do agree that the concept of PLEASE is relevant to be used in Teaching and Learning process in Malaysian Primary Education System as in this time-being;learning process has changed towards learner-centered. What I am trying to say that learner is the center of the learning process. Pupils are responsible of their own learning by voicing out their decisions on the content but I as becoming teacher would always facilitate them.

I think, 12C's of Smart Teaching and Learning could be done in the classroom for instance,teacher could provide a task on problem-based which to be done in group of pupils as many 5 person in a group. From discussion held to solve the problem that has been posted, interaction between mix ability of pupils will definitely can be observed.

As teachers, we could made informal assessment on pupils while they were working within the group especially about pupils' social and communication skills and also their language proficiency. Do you agree with me friends?Huhu, that is just what I felt. You might had different point of view..

Reflecting to the real world of Primary Schools in Malaysian context, I had come across in my mind on how far does the concept of PLEASE can be achieved? This issue might been questioned by some of the community which could be the parents.

However, I personally believe that we as the leaders of the community in school must model this concept through learning process in order to prove and convince them that PLEASE can successfully upgrading the potential in individuals. The use of technology should be applied to gain pupils' interest so that pupils learn meaningfully and be updated with the new era of Information Technology.

Therefore as teachers-to-be, I hope all of the educators must work together in realizing the objectives of PLEASE.So, I hope we all will take the benefit from what has we learned and apply it in our daily lives. Hope we will enjoy this course of PKEY3101 and our new lives in University Malaya. Till we meet again=)


awan said...

hai hani,
hmmm it seems everybody clearly understand the word PLEASE... for me PLEASE is concept that most applicable in today's classroom. students are given their own space to learn and the teacher just facilitate them... isn't that what the teeachers should do long long time ago... but it always better late than never right... i do support this concept and i do hope that all teachers could apply this concept in their teaching practice...